For our November IPF breakfast, we will invite Mr. Yasuhiro Suzuki, who has been newly appointed to the role of Chief Medical & Global Health Officer of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW), in which he oversees all administration under the jurisdiction of the Ministry. Mr. Suzuki will speak about the outlook for social security and next year's concurrent revisions to medical and nursing care compensation.
Prime Minister Abe recently announced his intention to reallocate ¥2 trillion of additional revenue that would be generated by raising the consumption tax rate to 10% from repayment of national debt to policies to achieve “social security for all generations”. Meanwhile, early figures indicate a ¥200 billion year-on-year decline in healthcare spending at medical institutions to ¥41.3 trillion, along with a decline in per capita healthcare spending. A reduction in the price of high-cost drugs was cited among the causes of this decline. This coming fiscal year, the biannual revision of the medical fees will take place. The revised payment rates will have a great impact on the rise or fall of healthcare expenditure for the next fiscal year and beyond. Hoping to secure professional fees for medical providers, the Japan Medical Association is vying for upward revisions whereas medical insurers are calling for downward revisions in a debate set to intensify as the government's year-end decision on rate revisions approaches. As part of the revision process, consideration of drastic reform of the drug pricing system aimed at tackling the issue of high-priced drugs is also underway. Revisions to nursing care fees will also be forthcoming, making the next fiscal year one in which great changes are set to envelop the social security system.
Mr. Suzuki’s previous roles within the MHLW include Director of the Research and Development Division of the Health Policy Bureau, Director of the Medical Economics Division in the Health Insurance Bureau, Assistant Minister for Technical Affairs and Director-General of the Health Insurance Bureau.
Date: Tuesday, 21 November
Time: 7:45am - 9:30am (Doors open at 7:15pm)
Location: Orchard Room, 2F South Wing, Hotel Okura Tokyo
Fee: 10,000yen (Payable at the door)
Note 1: The event will be in Japanese. Japanese-English simultaneous interpretation will be provided.
Note 2: This event is off-the-record. Guests are kindly asked to refrain from disclosing or sharing comments or discussions at the event in any form of media.